News and Publications
Dr. Wan explains the importance of cardiac health in women. As featured in Good Housekeeping, Redbook, and Women's Day.
Avula Uma Mahesh R., Noonavath Meghana, and Wan Elaine. Gender and the Genome. March 2017, 1(1): 26-33. doi:10.1089/gg.2016.0002.
Wan E, Abrams J, Weinberg RL, Katchman A, Bayne J, Zakharov S, Yang L, Morrow JP, Garan H, Marx S. Aberrant sodium influx is sufficient to cause cardiomyopathy and spontaneous sustained atrial fibrillation in mice. JCI. 2016. 126(1). 112-22. PMID: 26595809
Wan E, Dizon J Whang W, Garan H. Parsing a perplexing paroxysmal pathway. Heart Rhythm Case Reports. 2015; 1(6). 453-456.
Wan E and Boyden P. A matter of fat: lipids as an antiarrhythmic. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. 2015. Dec;8(6): 1313-5. PMID: 26671935
Provost J, Costet A, Wan E, Gambhir A, Whang W, Garan H, Konofagou EE. Assessing the atrial electromechanical coupling during atrial focal tachycardia, flutter, and fibrillation using electromechanical wave imaging in humans. Comput Bio Med. 2015. Oct 1;65:161-7. PMID: 26361338
Biviano AB, Ciaccio EJ, Fleitman J, Knotts R, Lawrence J, Haynes N, Cyrille N, Hickey K, Iyer V, Wan E, Whang W, Garan H. Atrial Tachycardias After Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Manifest Different Waveform Characteristics: Implications for Characterizing Tachycardias. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2015. Jul. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 26228873
Adams T, Wan E, Wei Y, Wahab R, Castagna F, Wang G, Emin M, Russo C, Homma S, Le Jemtel TH, Jelic S. Secondhand smoking is associated with vascular inflammation. Chest. 2015; Jul; 148(1): 112-9. PMID: 25742439
Grondin J, Wan E, Gambhir A, Garan H, Konofagou E. Intracardiac myocardial elastography in canines and humans in vivo. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2015; 62(2):337-49. PMID: 25643083.
Yang L, Katchman A, Weinberg RL, Abram J, Samad T, Wan E, Pitt G, Marx SO. The PDZ Motif of α1C Subunit is not Required for Surface Trafficking and Adrenergic Modulation of CaV1.2 in Heart. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015. Jan 23;290(4):2166-74. PMID: 25505241
Wan E, Yeap XY, Dehn S, Terry RL, Novak ML, Zhang S, Iwata S, Han X, Homma S, Drosatos K, Lomasney JW, Engman DM, Miller SD, Vaughan DE, Morrow JP, Kishore, R Thorp EB. Enhanced efferocytosis of apoptotic cardiomyocytes through myeloid-epithelial-reproductive tyrosine kinase links acute inflammation resolution to cardiac repair after infarction. Circulation Research. 2013; 113(8): 1004-1012. PMID: 23836795.
Huang H, Amin V, Gurin M, Wan E, Thorp E. Homma, S, Morrow J. Diet-induced obesity causes long QT and reduces transcription of voltage-gated potassium channels. J Molec Cell Card. 2013; 59: 151-158. PMID: 23517696
Wan E, Kusher J, Zakharov S, Nui X, Chudasama N, Kelly C, Waase M, Doshi D, Liu G, Iwata S, Takyuki S, Katchman A, D’Armiento J, Homma S, Marx, S. Reduced vascular BK channel currents underlie heart failure-induced vasoconstriction in mice. FASEB J. 2013; 27(5):1859-1867. PMID: 23325318
Ganda, A., Onat, D., Demmer, RT., Wan, E., Vittorio, TJ., Sabbah, HN.., Colombo, PC., Venous congestion and endothelial activation in acute decompensated heart failure. Curr Heart Fail Rep. 2010; 7(2): 66-74. PMID: 20424989
Vigilance DW, Garrido M, Williams M, Wan E, Zeidner A, Casher J, Zheng K, Kherani AR, Morgan JA, Oz MC, Argenziano M.: Off-pump epicardial atrial fibrillation surgery utilizing a novel bipolar radiofrequency system. Heart Surgery Forum 2006; 9: E803-806. PMID: 17099977
Kherani AR, John R, Cheema FH, Naka Y, Fal J, Garrido MJ, Morgan J, Vigilance D, Edwards NM, Wan E, Oz MC.: A Decade of Improvement in Cardiac Transplantation. Circulation. 2003; 107: 35.
Cauwels, A., Wan, E., Leismann, M., & Tuomanen, E.I. : Coexistence of CD-14 Dependent and Independent Pathways for Stimulation of Human Monocytes by Gram-Positive Bacteria. Infection and Immunity 1997; 65: 3255-3260. PMID: 9234783
Ethan A. Bunting, Clement Papadacci, Elaine Y. Wan, Julien L. Grondin, Elisa E. Konofagou. Intracardiac lesion quantification in cardiac radiofrequency ablation. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (in press)
Julien L. Grondin, Alexandre Costet, Ethan A. Bunting, Alok Gambhir, Hasan Garan, Elaine Y. Wan, Elisa E. Konofagou. Validation of Electromechanical Wave Imaging in a canine model during pacing and sinus rhythm. Heart Rhythm: The Official Journal of the Heart Rhythm Society, November 2016
Clement Papadacci, Ethan A. Bunting, Elaine Y. Wan, Pierre Nauleau, Elisa E. Konofagou 3D myocardial elastography in vivo. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, November 2016
Alexandre Costet, Elaine Y. Wan, Ethan A. Bunting, Julien L. Grondin, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou. Electromechanical wave imaging (EWI) validation in all four cardiac chambers with 3D electroanatomic mapping in canines in vivo. Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 61, Pages 8105-8119, October 2016
Clement Papadacci, Ethan A. Bunting, Elaine Y. Wan, Pierre Nauleau, Elisa E. Konofagou. 3D quasi-static ultrasound elastography with plane wave in vivo. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, July 2016
"Sexual Dimorphic Characteristics In A Mouse Model Of Atrial Fibrillation." Uma Avula, Charlotte Buck, Meghana Noonavath, Hasan Garan, Steven Marx, Elaine Wan. AHA Scientific Sessions, Anaheim, CA 2017
"Spatiotemporal Gradients Are Necessary For Initiation And Maintenance Of Atrial Fibrillation In Mice." Uma Avula, Charlotte Buck, Meghana Noonavath, Hasan Garan, Steven Marx, Elaine Wan, AHA Scientific Sessions, Anaheim, CA 2017
"Attenuating Mitochondrial ROS Reduces AF In Mice With Persistent Na+ Current." Uma Avula, Meghana Noonavath, Charlotte Buck, Hasan Garan, Steven Marx, Elaine Wan, AHA Scientific Sessions, Anaheim, CA 2017
Heart Rhythm 2017 | Lesion Gap Visualization and Assessment of Lesion Transmurality using Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography [Board No. C-PO05-141]
Heart Rhythm 2017 | A 4 Year Retrospective Review of Prevalent Cardiac Conduction Abnormalities and Surgical Outcomes of Tricuspid Annuloplasty During Cardiac Transplantation: A Single Center Experience [Board No. C-PO06-111]
"Spatiotemporal gradients are necessary for initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation in F1759A-NaV1.5 mice" Uma Mahesh R. Avula, MD, Jeffrey Abrams, PhD, Hasan Garan, MD, Steven O. Marx, MD and Elaine Wan, MD; Heart Rhythm scientific session, Chicago, 2017
“Aberrant sodium influx causes spontaneous atrial fibrillation and mitochondrial injury in a novel transgenic mouse" Oral presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
“Using electromechanical wave imaging, a novel non-invasive ultrasound imaging tool to detect endocardial versus epicardial arrhythmia origins" Oral presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
"Real time Imaging of Lesion Formation During Radiofrequency Ablation Using Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography" Oral presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
"Electromechanical wave imaging: a novel non-invasive tool for atrial arrhythmia mapping" Poster presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
Wan E, Grondin J, Biviano A, Whang W, Gambhir A, Konofagou E, Garan H. Novel Method Using Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography Provides Real-time Assessment of Right and Left Atrial Radiofrequency Ablation in Humans. American Heart Association, November 15-19, 2014. Poster Presentation. Chicago, Illinois.
Wan E, Bucciarellia L, Mecklai A, Klapholz M, Jelic S, Onat D, Adams T, LeJemtel T, Jorde U, Konstam M, Colombo P. Increased Nitric Oxide Degradation by Oxidative Stress and Decreased Nitric Oxide Production by Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Cause Severe Derangement of Venous Nitric Oxide Balance in Decompensated Heart Failure. American College of Cardiology. March 2009. Poster Presentation. Orlando, Florida.
Jelic, S, Wan E, Adams T, Padeletti M, Bucciarelli L, Colombo P, Factor P, LeJemtel T. Direct Evidence of Adverse Effects of Smoking on Vascular Endothelium. American Thoracic Society. May 19-21, 2008. Poster Presentation. Toronto, Canada.
Okrasinski SJ, Wan EY, Lee W-N, Oe Y, and Konofagou EE. Early Detection of Coronary Stenosis with Myocardial Elastography: A Clinical Feasibility Study. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. Oct 11-14, 2010. Oral Presentation. San Diego, CA.
Ethan A. Bunting, Clement Papadacci, Elaine Y. Wan, Julien L. Grondin, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac myocardial elastography for lesion quantification in cardiac radiofrequency ablation. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Tours, France), September 18 to 21, 2016. Finalist for IEEE IUS 2016 Student Paper Competition.
Alexandre Costet, Elaine Y. Wan, Lea Melki, Ethan A. Bunting, Julien L. Grondin, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou. Electromechanical wave imaging of focal ventricular tachycardia for non-invasive detection and differentiation of endocardial from epicardial sources in a paced large animal model. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Tours, France), September 18 to 21, 2016
Alexandre Costet, Elaine Y. Wan, Ethan A. Bunting, Julien L. Grondin, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Source Visualization of Focal Atrial Arrhythmia using Electromechanical Wave Imaging. 37th Heart Rhythm Society Annual Scientific Sessions (San Francisco, CA, USA), May 4 to 7, 2016
Alexandre Costet, Elaine Y. Wan, Lea Melki, Ethan A. Bunting, Julien L. Grondin, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou. Electromechanical Wave Imaging of VT for the non-invasive detection and differentiation of endocardial from epicardial sources in a paced animal model. 37th Heart Rhythm Society Annual Scientific Sessions (San Francisco, CA, USA), May 4 to 7, 2016
Julien L. Grondin, Alexandre Costet, Ethan A. Bunting, Alok Gambhir, Elaine Y. Wan, Elisa E. Konofagou Validation of Electromechanical Wave Imaging in canine left ventricles against electrography. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Taipei, Taiwan), October 21 to 24, 2015
Alexandre Costet, Ethan A. Bunting, Elaine Y. Wan, Elisa E. Konofago Electromechanical Wave Imaging of Atrial Tachycardia and Myocardial Infarct In Vivo: a Feasibility Study. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Taipei, Taiwan), October 21 to 24, 2015
Julien L. Grondin, Elaine Y. Wan, Alok Gambhir, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography for Assessment of Right and Left Atrial Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions in Humans. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (Brooklyn, NY, USA), April 16 to 19, 2015
Julien L. Grondin, Elaine Y. Wan, Alok Gambhir, Stanley J. Okrasinski, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography in Humans In Vivo during Radio-Frequency Ablation. 166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (San Francisco, CA, USA), December 2 to 6, 2013
Julien L. Grondin, Elaine Y. Wan, Alok Gambhir, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography at high temporal resolution in canines and humans in vivo. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Prague, Czech Republic), July 21 to 25, 2013