Our Advanced Practice Providers

Columbia Structural Heart and Valve Center

Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) are licensed healthcare professionals, such as Physician Associates (PAs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs), who work closely with doctors to diagnose, treat, and manage medical conditions. They have advanced training and education to provide excellent care.

  • Russell Brandwein, MS, PA-C, AACC

    • Executive Director, Interventional Cardiovascular Care
    • Physician Associate
    Russell Brandwein Headshot
  • Jenna Constantino, PA-C

    • Physician Associate

    Jenna Constantino, PA-C, is a physician associate with the Structural Heart and Valve team at Columbia. After earning a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Pittsburgh, Jenna worked as a home health aide and as a nurse’s aide at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). She then went on to complete a master’s degree in health sciences for physician assistants at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences in New York City.

    Since her certification in 2016, Jenna has worked as a PA on the cardiac surgery step down unit and in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit at Columbia. She joined the Columbia Structural Heart and Valve Center in 2024.

    Jenna Constantino, PA
  • Jessica Forman, DMSc, MS, PA-C

    • Director, Left Atrial Appendage Services
    • Physician Associate

    Jessica Forman, DMSc, MS, PA-C, practices as a physician associate at Columbia’s Interventional Cardiovascular Care.  She started her career working on the inpatient side of the service in 1999. She transitioned to outpatient care in 2012. 

    She treats patients with coronary artery disease, valvular disease, and structural heart disease issues. She completed her Doctorate in January of 2021 and is currently the Director of Left Atrial Appendage Services. Her practice focuses on all aspects of interventional cardiology and structural heart and valve disease. She has a special interest in bioethics, especially research ethics. She has a Master’s in Bioethics from Columbia University and recently received her Advanced Certificate in Bioethics and Jewish Law from Yeshiva University.

    Jessica Forman Headshot